Mission, vision and the goal of SeedCare
SeedCare BV has the mission to be and to remain successful and financially healthy as a seed production company. Besides that, SeedCare BV wants the employees to be part of the company and her mission both socially and loyally.
SeedCare BV strength from its rich history and keywords are reliability, quality and flexibility.
In this way SeedCare BV offers her customers the possibility to get the seed production done externally, under ideal conditions and for a sharp price. By having the production done externally, the customers of SeedCare BV create space and time for the development of crossings. In this way SeedCare BV relieves its customers and makes it possible for them to develop crops which are more successful and which SeedCare BV can once again recreate.
The vision of SeedCare BV is to have a broad basis in the production of seeds and cuttings in its relation with both existing as well as new customers. SeedCare BV is always happy to form new relations and create new productions.
By constant innovation and spreading of insights, a financially strong basis has to offer space to SeedCare BV to keep on developing.
SeedCare BV has the goal to retain the current seed productions and to improve the profit with new customers. Besides that, SeedCare BV wants to expand the current vegetative reproduction.
With the combination of successful productions, an improved distribution of responsibilities, and the company’s proceeding developments, SeedCare BV strives to a healthy future.